This Is Serious . .
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends, if they're okay, then it's you.
Carpenter's Tools - A Lonely Place. . . . .
By Pastor Wallace Phillips
I’m writing to you live from Moravian Falls, North Carolina. I arrived here on Saturday last week. It took me awhile to find the place of our stay. Winding up and down the foothill roads of the Carolina Mountains, we finally reached out destination – a beautiful red-topped log cabin in the woods; deep in the woods. No streets lights, no cars traveling, no people, nothing. We were deep into the woods of Wilkes County.
We opened the door to our cabin and began to do the “first arrival look around”. There’s no television, no stereo, no radio, not a thing to distract you. The cell phone doesn’t even have single bar to indicated signal range. What in the world will we do? How will we function? Well, I’ve been here a week already and I’m still alive, my temperament is calm, I’m eating three times a day, and my blood pressure must be down. I feel great. All I’ve done is read, write, pray, and talk. It’s amazing what we feel we cannot do without.
In the Word I find a repeated phrase that describes the life of Jesus when the crowds pressed in. I know there were no cell phones, no movies, no video games, no technological “have-to-haves”, but there were people; people with illness, emotional disorders, sickness, imminent death, etc. It’s there you find the gospel writers recording this profound phrase – “…but Jesus often withdrew himself to lonely places and prayed.” That’s what I’m doing. You can call it vacation, sabbatical, writing assignment for my next book, or whatever you desire. I’m in a lonely place. I’m not lonely, the place is and I hear the spirit of Tony the Tiger saying….”It’s GRRRRRREEEEEEAAAATTTTTT!
Have an awesome week and find yourself a lonely place… Jesus.
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What Would We Do Without Doctors?
"People should not use mobile phones outdoors during thunderstorms because of the risk of being struck by lightning, doctors said on Friday," Reuters reports.Doctors also advise that people should not use mobile phones while driving drunk or running with a sharpened pencil in their hand or having unprotected sex with a stranger.