Sunday, October 14, 2007

Carpenter’s Tools - Scootin’ toward my blessing! . . . . .

By Pastor Wallace Phillips – October 14th, 2007

Recently I experienced one of those “blah” days as I had been under a great deal of stress with life, ministry, building a house, etc. Well, this feeling had been upon me for a couple of days. I made my normal stop to the post office to pick up the mail and what do you think I would find in my mail? It was the very last thing that I would expect at 46 years old and in good health.

I received my invitation to look into my very own personal motorized wheel chair from “The Scooter Store”. You’ve seen them on TV. Some of you are using them, but you’re probably not in your mid forties. Ha! Ha! I opened the envelope to discover that they wanted me to respond for my free magnifying glass equipped ruler as well. Wow! In the midst of the post office, I cackled out with laughter. My pride was not hurt at all. I laughed and laughed and realized that God loved me enough to allow me to receive my invitation to “The Scooter Store”. Remember…Proverbs says “laughter doeth good like a medicine”. So…I’m scootin’ toward my blessing.

Bless the Lord and have an awesome week.

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