Friday, September 01, 2006

Carpenter’s Tools - Heaven’s Reruns . . .

By Pastor Wallace Phillips - July 28th, 2006

I recently enjoyed the words of Dan Betzer who shared this thought-provoking story.

The other afternoon, I turned on the TV set to a Christian network and, to my surprise; saw my wife and myself being interviewed. My goodness, we did that program months and months ago and it was being replayed. I was quite taken back by it.

I got to thinking, God probably does not need or use video tape or DVD’s, but He keeps records. And when we stand before Him one day, there will be the instant replay.

When audio tape recorders first came out, a friend bought one and turned it on “record” one night when he had unsuspecting guests. One of the guests was very vocal in her condemnation of people in the church. My friend simply reached over behind the couch, rewound the tape, and turned it on play. The lady was chagrined to hear her own voice in such condemnation of another person. She begged my friend, “Please, let me buy that tape from you.” “Oh,” he said, “ can have it.” She took it eagerly and said, “Oh, I am so glad there is not another copy of that awful recording.” My friend replied, “Well, I certainly do not have another copy; however, there is one in eternity. God has it and I do not think He is going to give it to you.” That just ruined her night.

But, my friend, we will give an account for every idle word spoken on earth. Scripture puts it like this: “The books will be opened!” It was pretty shocking to see that old show on the TV the other night. I thought it had all been erased or destroyed. It is going to be more shocking when we see the reruns in Heaven.

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