Monday, January 30, 2006

Senator Fred Smith Visits
The Carpenter's Shop Church

This weekend at the Carpenter's Shop Church in Ahoskie, State Senator Fred Smith gave a moving message on his faith in Jesus, and the need for the faithful to be more active in public life.

Fred Smith Delivers A Powerful Testimant On Faith And Being Faithful To Jesus' Word

Senator Smith is frequently mentioned as the Republican Party's top candidate for North Carolina Governor in the next election in 2008. At this point the Senator is continuing to do something that he has done for several years. He visits our churches here in North Carolina to know the wishes of the faithful for our public officials. His message was not about politics though. It was about doing good works and being faithful to Jesus.

Fred Smith Is Thanked Warmly For His Message

Senator Smith was accompanied by Joseph Avery, Chairman of the Republican Party of Johnston County. Joe also spoke, sharing some of his family history and his own belief in our values. He spoke movingly about the need to keep teaching our children the basic values that are still a key part of what made this nation great. He used examples of his son's service to our nation in Iraq and his adopted daughter. His obvious love for his family made the message a strong testimony.

Joe Avery, Senator Fred Smith, Wallace And Joy Phillips

Both messages were powerful and moving. At the conclusion of the service, both men were thanked warmly by the congregation of The Carpenter's Shop Church.


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